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OS Intro   in Category: OperatingSystem   by amit

🕙 Posted on 2024-11-30 at 07:18:53     Read in Hindi ...

OS - Introduction

Operating System is a System Software (Set of sytem programs) which provides an environment to help the user to execute the programs.

The Operating System is a resource manager which allocates and manages various resources like processor(s), main memory, input/output devices and information on secondary storage devices.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
  • Explain what is a software
  • Define operating system
  • Define the function of a OS

What is a software ?

    A software is a collection of programs.

What is a set of program ?

    A program is a set of instructions.

Types of Software

    The computer software can be divided into two main categories.

System Software: It provides a general programming environment in which programmers can create specific applications to suit their needs.

Application Software: It consists of the programs for performing tasks particular to the machine's utilisation.

Functions of Operating System

OS performs the following important functions:

1. Processor Management: It means assigning processor to different tasks which has to be performed by the computer system.

2. Memory Management: It means allocation of main memory and secondary storage areas to the system programmes, as well as user programmers and data.

3. Input and Output Management: It means co-ordination and assignment of the different output and input devices while one or more programmes are being executed.

4. File System Management: Operating System is also responsible for maintenance of a file system, in which the user are allowed to create, delete and move files.

5. Establishment and Enforcement of a Priority System: The operating system determines and maintains the order in which jobs are to be executed in the computer system.

6. Assignment of System Resources: Both software and hardware to the various users of the system.


In this topic, you learnt:
  • There are different types of software.
  • Operating System is a system software (Set of system programs) which provides an environment to help the user to execute the programs.
OS_Unit 01: Transcript

Operating system is your system software, which provide an environment to help the user to execute the program. By the help of operating system, user can execute programs. At the end of the topic, you'll be able to understand, describe what is software, describe the operating system, explain a function of operating, discuss with software. What is your software? Software is a collection program. We can also say a program. We just set up instruction. A set of instruction made the program. And these programs are called software. A specific task, uh, like a operating system, like a word, Excel, PowerPoint, reservation software, cell software. It's type software. Software. We can categorize the software in a tool type. First is a system software, and second one application. In a system software, these software which were working for a system like operating system, utility software, device driver, fall under the system. In a application software, application software, perform the specific task, and they are working for a user's purpose, like a reservation. Software like uh, inventory, software, tele software, word, Excel, PowerPoint and ITT C fall under the application. And next, what is the operating system? Operating system, your system. Software which provide an environment to help the user to execute the program. By the help of operating system, user can execute the program. It means operating system provide the help to converter input in a output. And also operating system is a interface between hardware and user users give the instructions and operating system take, take the instruction from the application software and we can see the users and act regarding this and perform, uh, on a hardware. And it uses the hardware device. The operating system is a resource manager, which allocate and manage the various resources. Operating system. Also able to manage the various type of resources. These resources are like processors, main memory, input, output devices, the memory, and etc. printer, scanner. Everything which are connected by the operating system. Operating system. Operating system perform the following important functions. First is a process management, a management input and output manage. In a processor management, it's assigning the processor to different tasks, which has to perform by the computer. operating system manages the different tasks, maybe operating system schedule these tasks, maybe operating system, synchronize these tasks. Maybe if we are using the, uh, multiple processor that time, it manages the process in a multiple process. It's also depend on which type of operating system we are. In a memory management, a system using the two types of memory, primary memory and secondary memory. Both type of memory managed by the operating system, each memory managed by the operating system, primary and secondary. In a primary memory, Uh, pro, uh, operating system is responsible to take the process in a main memory and execute the process in a main memory. After the processing, it can swipe out in a secondary. For the permanent allocation, we are using the secondary memory for the saving purpose. A date card copy request, everything is managed by the memory manual folder. Location driver, locations where we can allocate the file. It also managed by the memory. And next is a input and output management. In output and management, there are several devices. These devices are managed by the operating system. Input devices like uh, keyboard, mouse, scanners. Output devices like speaker screen, laptop screen, PC screen, and printer. These are the output devices. Uh, cooperation. Coordination among the region put devices and out output devices also managed by the operating system. And this fall under the input and output operating system. Also manage the file system management. Operating system is also responsible for maintenance. The file system in which users are allowed to create, delete and move the file here. Uh, file system management responsible to manage the folders file under the folders and which type of files and where we can locate how to delete it and move, uh, file from one folder to another folder when we want to, uh, uh, perform the operation. Copy paste these operations. Uh, a file system operations managed by the file System management and file system management are managed by the operating system establishment and enforcements of our priority system. It means operating system determine maintains the order in which jobs are we executed in the computer system. Sometimes it, uh, uses the priority. Sometimes it uses the round and robin sometimes it uses the patch. Sometimes uses the SJF first, sometimes uses the TFS first. Come first sir. And these are the techniques to management of the process. And it also take which process have a more important and which process execute to the first. This managed by the, uh, priority system managed by the operating system. It is the most important function of a operating anesthesia assignment of system resources, both software and are hardware resources managed by the operating system. Uh, in our hardware resources, we can say processor, ramp room, cpu, buses managed by the operating system in a software. Which software are multiple softwares we have installed in the systems and we are using like a MP3, players, mp4 players, video players, word, Excel, PowerPoint, Java, every software. These are the resources for the systems. And these are managed by the operating system. So we can also say the operating system manage the system. Resource resources means which are helps to, to perform the task. It can divided in a two parts. In a software or this topic. You learn types of software, operating system, definitions, operating system. In types of software. We have learned two types of software, uh, system, software and uh, application software and operating system. Definition. Operating system is an interface between user and hardware. It provides the interface among the user and hardware and s of operating system. We have discussed the various s of operating systems like input, output, management function, uh, memory management. It is now, uh, it brings to end of the topic.

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