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Parameters, Arguments, & Scope in Category: PHPlevel2 by amit
🕙 Posted on 2023-06-15 at 14:22:21 Read in Hindi ...
Parameters and Arguments in Functions
Let's analyze in detailed the syntax of a function. You have seen in previous page that when expressions and statements written without return
keyword inside a custom (rigid) function, they cannot be used dynamically. Similarly, parameters and arguments are features, which make custom functions more flexible.
At the time of defining a custom function, the variable names placed inside ()
parentheses just after the functionName, are called parameters. These parameters can have default value or can take data (values) outside from the function.
The functionName() (after or before defining it) must be invoked along with data (or values), which must be same as number of parameters, (when default values for those parameters are not provided). The respective data (or values) are called arguments. You have already used various pre-defined functions in which arguments are passed within ()
parentheses just after that function.
In the following example, the arguments passed in functionName (at the time of invoking/
functionName( $param1, $param2 ) {
// statements inside the custom function
!$param1 + !$param2; // The return value can be an expression or literal (e.g. NULL), etc.
$arg1 = false; $arg2 = NULL;
var_dump( functionName( $arg1, $arg2 ) );?>
A variable name declared outside the function will not be automatically accessed inside the functionName. Similarly, a variable name declared inside the function can not be accessed from the outside. Parameters and arguments are way to insert data (or values) from outside to inside of the functionName. In this way, your custom function will become more flexible.
When you comment the line 6 of above example, that is, // $arg1 = false; $arg2 = NULL; you will get the following ERROR. However, undefined variables are evaluated as NULL, and thus output is int(2).
Warning: Undefined variable $arg1 in C:\xampp\
Warning: Undefined variable $arg2 in C:\xampp\
When you don't provide any value (even NULL
or undefined variable name) as an argument, for any of parameters required in your custom function, then other type of ERROR is shown. Following ERROR will also describes you that how many arguments are expected, and how many you have passed. Reading ERRORs carefully will help you to understand and to analyze the mistake happened in your script, and then you can resolve the problem.
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function functionName(), 1 passed in C:\xampp\
In the following two examples, you can see the first code with simple switch statments, and the second example is exactly same, but in a custom function. Variables (and constants) defined inside a functionName are local to that function, and not accessible to outside global world! In the first example, you can also see that $zodiac can be accessible from everywhere in one file, or one request-response cycle (when other files are inter-connected with each other).
$year = 2023;
$zodiac = [ 'Rat', 'Ox', 'Tiger', 'Rabbit', 'Dragon', 'Snake', 'Horse', 'Goat', 'Monkey', 'Rooster', 'Dog', 'Pig' ];
( ($year - 4) % 12 ) {
case 0: $sign = $zodiac[0]; break
case 1: $sign = $zodiac[1]; break
case 2: $sign = $zodiac[2]; break
case 3: $sign = $zodiac[3]; break
case 4: $sign = $zodiac[4]; break
case 5: $sign = $zodiac[5]; break
case 6: $sign = $zodiac[6]; break
case 7: $sign = $zodiac[7]; break
case 8: $sign = $zodiac[8]; break
case 9: $sign = $zodiac[9]; break
case 10: $sign = $zodiac[10]; break
case 11: $sign = $zodiac[11]; break
echo "{$year} is the year of the {$sign}."; // outputs as shown below:?>
In the following example, return
keyword is used which exits the PHP interpreter from the custom function immediately. Therefore, break
keyword is not needed. You can also see that the above variable name, $zodiac cannot be accessed directly inside the function. Therefore, you have to declare the same values again in a variable name. It does not matter what is variable name. A local variable name can have the same variable name as of outside the custom function. But, memory locations for both variable names are different. Both variable names are unrelated (not related) to each other.
chinese_zodiac( $year ) {
$zodiac = [ 'Rat', 'Ox', 'Tiger', 'Rabbit', 'Dragon', 'Snake', 'Horse', 'Goat', 'Monkey', 'Rooster', 'Dog', 'Pig' ]; // local variable
( ($year - 4) % 12 ) {
case 0: return
case 1: return
case 2: return
case 3: return
case 4: return
case 5: return
case 6: return
case 7: return
case 8: return
case 9: return
case 10: return
case 11: return
} // end of switch statement
} // end of function
$year = 2022; $sign = chinese_zodiac( $year );
echo "{$year} is the year of the {$sign}.<br />";
echo "2027 is the year of the " . chinese_zodiac( 2027 ) . "."; // outputs as shown below:?>
2027 is the year of the Goat.
Scope: Local and Global variables
You have seen in previous page that functions are global
in nature. Here, we will discuss about scope of variables. You have read herein above that variables declared outside any custom function can be accessible from anywhere in one file or in one request-response cycle, but not directly inside the custom function. Also, all variables declared inside the custom function are not accessible from outside of that function. Let's examine these in following examples.
$girl = "outside"; // global scope
faa() {
$girl = "inside"; // local scope
echo "1: " . $girl; // outputs 1: outside
faa(); // function faa() is called here
echo "<br />2: " . $girl; // outputs 2: outside - don't access inside of faa()?>
In the above example and first of the below examples, both variables (outside and inside the functionName) have same names, but they are unrelated. The function call doesn't touch the variable declared inside the function. Following the same analogy of above example, parameter is not provided in the custom function fee() herein below. Hence, the if(){} statement doesn't output anything, because $boy is not set inside fee() before 'inside' declaration.
$boy = "outside"; // global scope
fee() {
if( isset
( $boy ) ) {
echo 'variable $boy is accessed in fee() function: ' . $boy;
$boy = "inside"; // local scope
echo "1: " . $boy; // outputs 1: outside
echo '<br />'; fee(); // function fee() is called here
echo "<br />2: " . $boy; // outputs 2: outside - don't access inside of fee()?>
In the following example, an argument is passed while calling the function foo(), and this argument makes the outside variable accessible inside the custom function. However, the variable name declared even inside this function, is not touched when calling the function. Obviously, some of you may try to place the inside variable declaration above the if(){} statement, and it will definitely change the value!
$man = "outside"; // global scope
foo( $man ) {
if( isset
( $man ) ) {
echo 'variable $man is accessed in foo() function: ' . $man;
$man = "inside"; // local scope
echo "1: " . $man; // Outputs 1: outside
echo '<br />'; foo( $man ); // Outputs variable $man is accessed in foo() function: outside
echo "<br />2: " . $man; // Outputs 2: outside - don't access inside of 'foo'?>
The above examples are described to explain you that variable names defined outside a custom function can only be accessible through parameters. And these parameters (and local variables inside a custom function) are also not related with variables declared outside the function. However, using global
(reserved) keyword inside the custom function block {}
curly braces, the variables declared outside will be connected to variable declared inside the function block.
$bird = "outside"; // global scope
fuu() {
$bird; /* importing global variable, parameter and arguments are not needed */
if( isset
( $bird ) ) {
echo '<br />variable $bird is accessed in fuu() function: ' . $bird;
$bird = "inside"; // local scope
echo '<br />variable $bird is changed in fuu() function: ' . $bird;
echo "1: " . $bird; // Outputs 1: outside
fuu(); /* as soon the custom function is invoked, the variable declared outside is connected and can be changed. OUTPUT is shown as below: */
echo "<br />2: " . $bird; // Outputs 2: inside?>
variable $bird is accessed in fuu() function: outside
variable $bird is changed in fuu() function: inside
2: inside
There are some SUPER-GLOBAL (pre-defined) variables, for example, $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, $_SESSION, $GLOBALS, $_REQUEST etc. These SUPER-GLOBAL variables can store data in an associative array. These SUPER-GLOBAL variables are accessible even inside a custom function, and you don't need global
(reserved) keyword for them.
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Amit Sinha March 2nd, 2023 at 9:30 PM
😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 😉 😊 😇 😍 😘 😚 😋 😜 😝 😶 😏 😒 😌 😔 😪 😷 😵 😎 😲 😳 😨 😰 😥 😢 😭 😱 😖 😣 😞 😓 😩 😫 😤
Ribhu March 3rd, 2023 at 9:30 PM
🐵 🐒 🐶 🐩 🐺 🐱 🐯 🐅 🐆 🐴 🐎 🐮 🐂 🐃 🐄 🐷 🐖 🐗 🐽 🐏 🐑 🐐 🐪 🐫 🐘 🐭 🐁 🐀 🐹 🐰 🐇