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Color Names in HTML   in Category: HTML   by amit

🕙 Posted on 2023-04-10 at 12:59:24     Read in Hindi ...

Dummy Texts

    Dummy texts are used for designing and developing website and web-page illustrations, when it is necessary to show some texts / contents inside any HTML elements. These texts can be reproduced in VSCode Editor, when you write in any file with .html extension. Just type lorem and press Shift Enter keys, and some text will be created. When you type lorem100 or lorem500, for example, and press Shift Enter keys, 100 words or 500 words, will be created respectively. Following texts are example of dummy texts:

    Click Me, to show / hide Dummy Texts:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ullam tempora pariatur labore minima. Obcaecati praesentium dolorem sapiente tempora, ipsa deserunt iste perspiciatis eligendi autem cupiditate incidunt reiciendis in officia. Explicabo odit eaque quae ratione, saepe soluta cum consequatur possimus earum illum quod odio veniam porro perferendis, non debitis? Libero aspernatur neque aliquid quibusdam minima accusantium, praesentium eum numquam id porro iusto tenetur ut voluptate, non fugiat veritatis magnam iste alias maxime dolorum, pariatur est officiis beatae. Perferendis alias consequatur natus quaerat reiciendis porro asperiores vero dolores. Dignissimos optio corporis recusandae accusamus, distinctio obcaecati debitis repudiandae quidem aperiam quaerat tempore quas! Go to top

Color Names used in HTML / CSS

There are 148 color-names, which you can use as value. Some of you have been thinking that VioletRed is the name of a color, but it is not. Therefore, you should not use any color-name which is not defined, or has not assigned a color value.

  Black     DimGray     DimGrey     Gray     Grey     DarkGray     DarkGrey     Silver     Gainsboro     LightGray     LightGrey     White     Ivory     FloralWhite     GhostWhite     Beige     Azure     CornSilk     Linen     Snow     WhiteSmoke     SeaShell     LavenderBlush     Lavender     LightSlateGray     LightSlateGrey     SlateGray     SlateGrey     DarkSlateGray     DarkSlateGrey     AntiqueWhite     BlanchedAlmond     Moccasin     NavajoWhite     PeachPuff     Bisque     Tan     BurlyWood     SandyBrown     Peru     Chocolate     Sienna     SaddleBrown     Brown     Maroon     DarkRed     FireBrick     Crimson     Red     OrangeRed     Tomato     Coral     Salmon     IndianRed     DarkSalmon     LightSalmon     LightCoral     RosyBrown     MistyRose     PapayaWhip     OldLace     Wheat     Orange     DarkOrange     DarkGoldenRod     GoldenRod     Gold     Yellow     DarkKhaki     Khaki     LemonChiffon     PaleGoldenRod     LightYellow     LightGoldenRodYellow     MintCream     HoneyDew     Chartreuse     GreenYellow     YellowGreen     Olive     OliveDrab     DarkOliveGreen     DarkGreen     Green     ForestGreen     LimeGreen     Lime     LawnGreen     LightGreen     PaleGreen     MediumSpringGreen     SpringGreen     MediumSeaGreen     SeaGreen     DarkSeaGreen     LightSeaGreen     DarkCyan     Teal     Cyan     Aqua     Turquoise     MediumTurquoise     DarkTurquoise     MediumAquaMarine     CadetBlue     LightCyan     AliceBlue     PaleTurquoise     PowderBlue     LightSteelBlue     Aquamarine     LightBlue     SkyBlue     LightSkyBlue     DeepSkyBlue     SteelBlue     CornflowerBlue     RoyalBlue     DodgerBlue     Blue     MediumBlue     DarkBlue     Navy     MidnightBlue     Indigo     RebeccaPurple     BlueViolet     DarkViolet     DarkOrchid     DarkSlateBlue     SlateBlue     MediumSlateBlue     MediumPurple     Purple     DarkMagenta     MediumVioletRed     PaleVioletRed     HotPink     DeepPink     Magenta     Fuchsia     MediumOrchid     Orchid     Violet     Plum     Pink     LightPink     Thistle  

RGB Colors

    You can also use rgb(RED, GREEN, BLUE) colors or its hexa-decimal value. When you use rgb(), then values inside the parenthesis are RED, GREEN, BLUE respectively, and they start from 0 (zero) to 255 (integer value) only. Any other value, for example, -1 or 256 will (NOT) show error (because HTML codes don't display any ERROR in the web-browser), and texts may not be displayed in the web-browser. These three values inside parenthesis are separated either by , (comma) or a blank space. For example:

<p style="color:rgb(255, 80, 0)"> R.I.B.H.U. Academy </p>

<p style="color:rgb(255, 85, 0)"> R.I.B.H.U. Academy </p>

    When using HEXA-DECIMAL values for a RGB (red, green, blue) color, its value will be prefixed with # (hash) symbol. No comma or any blank space is required, and all three values must be close to each other. Each color value is represented by one digit (see next page) or two digit Hexa-Decimal number, starting from 0 to f. HEXA-DECIMAL numbers are: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f. Last six numbers can be either lowercase or uppercase. These three RGB values starts with 00 (double zero) or 0 (single zero) and ends with ff or f respectively. For example:

<p style="color:#ff8000"> R.I.B.H.U. Academy </p>

<p style="color:#f80"> R.I.B.H.U. Academy </p>

    From following tables, you can compare all ORANGE colors mentioned above, and you will find that all four ORANGE colors are different. That is, #ff8000 is equal to rgb(255, 128, 0) and #f80 is equal to rgb(255, 136, 0). Therefore these two values are different from first two ORANGE colors, that is, rgb(255, 85, 0) which is actually #ff5500 or #f50 , and rgb(255, 80, 0) which is #ff5000. This means that you can create only 4096 colors with one-digit Hexa-Decimal values. See next page for all these possible values.

(hexa one digit)
(hexa two digit)
(hexa one digit)
(hexa two digit)
16 10
32 20
48 30
64 40
80 50
96 60
112 70
128 80
144 90
160 a0
176 b0
192 c0
208 d0
224 e0
240 f0

Color HSL value

    You will read this way to enter color values in a CSS property in next page, other than rgb(255, 255, 255) , #ffffff or #fff (all three color values are white). When adding other property in either style attribute or Embedded or External stylesheet, do not forget to add ; (semi-colon) at the end of each property's value. See details about how to write CSS rules in the Exercise on previous page.

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